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Page in development.

Dates indicate composition completion (not publication).



Aeneas Intro

Brass Quartet and SATB - More TBD


June 2022

 Lucis Fuga 'Light Fugue' Set

Details TBD.


June 2021

Surge, Propera, Amica Mea; Song of Solomon Motets

A set of 4-Part motets in Canticles setting, Renaissance vocal style.

[Complete - full score to be posted upon performance confirmation]


September 2020

Into Thine Hand: Psalm Selections

A more extensive set in five modes in 3-Parts, in the vocal  style of Renaissance.
Full, updated score: [Shop]


In Manus Tuas, 5th setting [pdf]


June 2020

Lux Libertatis: Chorales

A set of 4-part chorales in the style of Lutheran church hymns.

[Complete - full score to be posted upon performance confirmation]

Lux Libertatis, 1st setting [pdf]


April 2020

Kyrie Imitations

2-part short Kyrie sets in five modes, in the vocal  style of Renaissance.

Kyrie Imitations - Complete [pdf]


March 2020

 Round Set - Canons

Round set in canon composed for vocal collaboration.

Brooklin Round [pdf]

[others available upon request]


August 2019

Post-Romantic Explorations

Short pieces created during post-romantic analysis studies.

Dream Road, Lydian [pdf]

Phasing, Whole Tone [pdf]

Mechanicus [pdf]

Quartal 5-8 [pdf]


July 2019

Candle Suite in G Minor
A baroque dance compilation

for keyboard.


Candle Suite in G Minor - Complete [shop]


1. Allemanda [shop]

2. Corrente [in review]

3. Sarabanda [shop]

4. Menuetto [pdf]

5. Borrèia [pdf]

6. Siciliana [pdf]

[the Siciliana is now available for free,

you can also buy in the shop to support]

7. Giga [pdf]




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